Using data to make decisions that matter

Contributor Membership 2025

1 and 2 Year Memberships

For non-data supplying consultants, agencies, suppliers and peak bodies.


Stay ahead of the market with the Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand Essentials Reports

The Essentials Reports are a summary of the process of consultation, analysis, and insights development. It will give you the trustworthy evidence you need to understand the key fundraising trends and insights to support you in making the best possible fundraising decisions.

You will find the information to support you in working with your colleagues in senior management and Board, to explain how investment in fundraising works and to underpin strategic decision making.

Learning opportunities for your team with  unlimited access to Forums

You and your entire team will have access to each of the four main Forums in 2025, plus access to the recordings to rewatch and Forum guides to download. These Forums are the ideal way for you to educate and upskill your fundraising team.

Promotion through thought leadership 

Thought leadership is key to the success of The Benchmarking Project. We offer each Contributor the opportunity to write articles or record videos based on their specialist knowledge and the insights from this year’s benchmarking. These are shared with all members via email, our blog and LinkedIn posts. 

Where relevant, we ask Contributor members to provide staff to host sections or facilitate panels around their specialist subject. The Forums are promoted to all members and regularly reach attendances of 200+ Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand fundraisers, with the Launch Forum being viewed live by 500 people and rewatched by a further 100.

In addition, the Contributor page of The Benchmarking Project website, where your logo and profile is held, is viewed by 300 people each year. Your logo also appears during our Forums and Forum recordings. 
